To D, or not to D. That is the question.

The debate continues about the importance of vitamin D, recent studies show that most people are vitamin D deficient, science and naturalists cannot seem to agree if vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 is the best.


Hello friends, a bit of health info again today, enjoy!

The debate continues about the importance of vitamin D, recent studies show that most people are vitamin D deficient, science and naturalists cannot seem to agree if vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 is the best.

I was not even aware that vitamin D could be a problem, or that it is actually so important to the human body, I figured that I got enough through the foods I ate and the vitamins I was taking, how wrong I was.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods. It is also produced when ultraviolet rays from sunlight, which triggers vitamin D synthesis in our body. About 7 minutes in the sun a day is enough to receive your daily allowance, individual needs vary, depending upon age, skin color, and possible existing health problems. Vitamin D not only helps to build strong bones; it has been shown to help protect us from heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, and even multiple sclerosis as well as maintaining your calcium balance and aiding with cell differentiation, it boosts your immune system, has a role in insulin secretion and regulates blood pressure

In spite of studies revealing the superiority of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol); the form of vitamin D found in prescriptions is often vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). Vitamin D2 was developed and patented by the pharmaceutical industry and is most prescribed by physicians. Many doctors do not know that vitamin D2 differs radically from vitamin D3 in its physiologic activity. The metabolic products of D2 are not efficiently bound to carrier proteins in the blood, therefore they do not effectively activate the appropriate cellular receptors.

This sounds to me like D3 wins, now it is up to you to find the proper dosage. The RDA in the USA suggests 400iu per day, some studies show this is to low, suggesting up to 5 times that much. I personally take 5000iu of vitamin D each day with no negative side effects.

The more the worlds food supply is genetically modified, the more challenges we have to stay healthy, this is one of many ways to assist in a healthy lifestyle.

Wishing you all the best in health and life.

Your Steven

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