Every year, the captains of industry, finance and politics meet at Davos: This year, World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab wrote a book entitled “COVID-19: The Great Reset”, laying out a comprehensive agenda for an “accelerated system change“ under cover of the COVID crisis.
Without a doubt, his point of view reflects World Economic Forum debates and goals shared by large parts of the political and financial elite. These ideas are a grave danger to our liberty and democracy. That’s why I have summed them up in this article. Every citizen should know about them.
The Pandemic as Excuse for the Great Reset
For the reader accustomed to the endless mantra of the dangers of the corona pandemic, it may come as a surprise to hear the chairman of the World Economic Forum announce with astonishing candor that the true consequences and dangers of the pandemic are actually rather negligible :
“The COVID crisis is one of the least deadly pandemics the world has seen in the past 2000 years, if you look at the percentage of the world's population affected wolrdwide. In all likelihood, the health and mortality consequences of COVID-19 will be relatively minor compared to previous pandemics. "
However, the pandemic offers an opportunity to implement what is already on the agenda of politics and the business elite, Schwab writes. It represents a rare and narrow window of opportunity to "rethink, reinvent and restart the world".
Schwab explains: "A fresh start is an ambitious task, perhaps too ambitious, but we have no choice but to do our best to deal with this task."
The main ideological tenets of the Great Reset are climate change, economic reform, gender equality and LGBTQ rights. To wit: Global corporate rule and neo-Marxist cultural revolution.
Global State Dictate Instead of National Democracy
“The three notions of economic globalization, political democracy and the nation-state are incompatible with one another”, Schwab states. He sees the “danger” that “a revival of nation-states will gradually lead to much stronger nationalism.” Schwab calls for “global regulatory policy” to counter this danger. The aim of this global governance is an international climate regime that runs the economy and interferes in corporate management.
He writes: "In all industries and in all countries, business leaders will have to get used to greater government intervention, to varying degrees."
The key to channeling private capital into new sectors with environmentally-friendly economic value is “moving the political levers and mobilizing public funding as part of a wide-scale economic upheaval.”
In other words, a global economic regime that steers the economy with political levers and subsidies is to replace national democracy and the free market.
ESG Criteria: Imposing Gender and Climate Ideology on Business
This includes the enforcement of ESG criteria. ESG stands for environmental and social governance. "Employee activism" on "environmental issues" and "inclusivity" is key. This means climate, gender and multicultural ideology needs to become an integral part of corporate culture.
This also includes “supply chain responsibility”, meaning companies are not only required to police these ‘SJW’ criteria in their own company, but in all their suppliers, as well.
According to Schwab, future business success will depend on “ideal company value”, on the company's “good will”. It also becomes clear what is in store for companies that do not demonstrate this “good will” and refuse to support gender, diversity and climate ideology. Companies that do not have ESG strategies in place face “destruction of their assets”.
The Business Elite in Bed with Far-Left Activists
Key to the strategy of what Schwab calls “stakeholder capitalism” is the alliance between the business elite and militant far-left activists. Schwab calls them “activist investors” and “social activists”. The “young generation” is a “determined pioneer of social change. So there is little doubt that it will be a catalyst for change and a key source of great change.”
Schwab ascribes a major role to the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, calling the unrest and looting of BLM a “popular uprising” and hoping it will become a broad-based political movement. He sees signs that "it will be broader and not limit itself to race-specific problems."
Intimidation by Terror in the Streets and Financial Power
He develops very concrete ideas of how the division of labor between "activists" and investors should look:
“Just imagine: A group of green activists demonstrating outside a coal-fired power plant to demand stricter environmental rules, while the investors in the boardroom are doing the same by cutting off access to capital for the plant.”
Companies who refuse to submit to the SJWs must be squeezed out. While left-wing activists disrupt operations and boycott, sabotage and threaten the company, the finance industry uses its market power to bleed non-woke companies to death. These are the two pillars of Schwab's “Great Reset”: The combination of terror in the streets and financial might.
Digital Transformation: Big Tech and Social Distancing are Destroying the Middle Class
Schwab calls the pandemic an “acceleration of the digital transformation.” He explains that “social distancing measures will continue to exist even after the pandemic has subsided.” “Social distancing” will be followed by “economic distancing”:
“The current pressures to move the no-contact economy forward, no matter how, and the resulting willingness of regulators to accelerate it, means no holds are barred.”
He insists that “many of the specific behaviors we had to adopt during lockdown will feel less strange as we get used to them.”
In order to permanently maintain to social distance, workers in “warehouses, supermarkets and hospitals” are to be replaced by robots. By 2035, 85% of jobs in restaurants, 75% in retail and 59% in entertainment could be replaced.
The automation and digitization of these sectors is necessary for “hygiene and cleanliness.”
Small restaurants and shops will be replaced by big online corporations and e-commerce, to which Schwab sings a paean. Small and mid-sized business will be replaced by Big Tech. Leisure, culture, commerce, entertainment, information, communication, nutrition, clothing, furniture, transportation, traffic, all will be in the hands of four or five global corporations.
From COVID-19 to the Global Surveillance State
In Schwab's book, another danger looms in the course of the COVID-19 hysteria: the Global Surveillance State. Schwab writes:
“There are 5.2 billion smartphones worldwide today, each one of which can help identify who is infected, where they are and often who they were infected by, too.” Schwab terms this a “unique opportunity.”
The tendency to monitor employee health will remain high even after the end of COVID, out of fear of subsequent pandemics:
“As soon as the COVID crisis subsides and people start going back to work, companies will move to more surveillance. For better or worse, companies will observe and sometimes also record what their workforce is doing. "
The Lockdown as Dry Run for the New Climate Regime
The Covid-19 pandemic offers the opportunity to implement changes in behavior that will continue even after the crisis. This includes reduced consumption in the name of Climate Change:
“Our consumer behavior has changed dramatically during the lockdown, as we were forced to focus on what really mattered and had no choice but to ‘go green’. Perhaps that continue, encouraging us to do without everything we don't really need and setting a positive feedback loop in favor of the environment in motion.”
And yet, Schwab is disappointed at the result of the lockdowns, as it is not far-reaching enough. The global economic crisis led to an 8% decrease in carbon dioxide emissions. For Schwab, that's far from enough:
“Even if this number would equal the largest annual recorded decrease, it is still negligible in light of the scale of the problem.”
In other words, in the name of global climate policy, citizens will be asked to make sacrifices that will far exceed those of the Corona crisis.
The Totalitarian Vision of Davos
Let's summarize what is meant by the Great Reset:
- The primary goal is a global economic regime under the motto of “global governance” to should replace national democracies. The market economy will be replaced by a managed economy.
- Companies will no longer obey their shareholders, instead being forced to comply with climate and gender policy requirements, due to pressure from the finance industry and aggressive far-left activists. Companies that do not follow suit will be destroyed.
- This cabal between high finance and far-left activists serves to intimidate political opponents and companies that refuse to show “good will”. Distance rules and "social distancing" are to continue even after the crisis. This will spell the destruction of the middle class, catering, retail and the entertainment industry. Big Tech and e-commerce will take their place.
- With the new means of digital surveillance and under the guise of public health, workers will to be monitored and their behavior recorded.
- The breakdown in consumer demand in large sections of the population due to the lockdown will be continued, and expanded in order to achieve global climate goals.
This agenda is a grave threat to our civil rights, democracy and the free market economy. It is inherently totalitarian and hostile to freedom.
We have to alert all our citizens to this danger, and use all democratic means to stop it.
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