Merkel is Ruling Like Tyrant

Angela Merkel has been holding 80 million people hostage in a prison of executive orders and decrees in Germany for a year now, with no constitutional basis and under suspension of all their basic rights.



[Deutsche Version HIER]

[Versión en español aquí]


Angela Merkel has been holding 80 million people hostage in a prison of executive orders and decrees in Germany for a year now, with no constitutional basis and under suspension of all their basic rights.

Now, at Easter, this imprisonment and destruction was to reach a new level, something not even Stalin and Mao would have dared.

But as soon as Merkel sensed the resistance of her subjects, she began to fear for her power. Just hours after its announcement, Merkel reversed her »dramatic« decision to confine 80 million people by fiat, calling it a »mistake«.

She said she would assume »full responsibility« for her »mistake«, believing she could score with her voters with these empty phrases and her purported sincerity. No word of actually assuming responsibility and stepping down, of course, which would be long overdue, given her record.

A Low Point in German History

Angela Merkel's style of ruling by fiat after sixteen years, her lockdown of 80 million people and destruction of millions of jobs, all follow a single logic: That of maintaining Angela Merkel's power.

Not the number of people sick with COVID or the so-called »waves« are the basis for Merkel's political decisions. No, it is her tyrannical clinging to power, no matter what price.

Only the blowback and outrage from the people, and Merkel's fear of losing power, defeated the Easter Lockdown order. This defeat has pulled back the curtain and revealed that the physical and psychological abuse of millions of citizens due to Merkel's policies is a farce, a symptom of a new kind of tyranny.

The fact that the imprisonment of 80,000,000 people over Easter was reversed is thanks only to your courage and your protest. Not thanks to Merkel's generosity. Only because she fears your protest and that of millions of other people have we all reclaimed a piece of our freedom.

This should serve as a wake-up call, and remind us that we have our destiny in our hands. Merkel will do everything she can to withhold our freedom from us.

As free human beings, we must not follow or respect unjust, unlawful decrees which go against our conscience.

More and more citizens are turning their backs on this dictatorial regime, which, in all its stupid and corrupt arrogance, can think of nothing better than to lock up and abuse its citizenry and destroy our lives and our nation.

It's time to put an end to this captivity together as citizens.

Let us stand up to tyranny, fellow citizens. Stand up and fight for your freedom, that of your families and our fellow citizens.

Our future will be decided today. A future in freedom, or in tyranny.

Long live freedom.

It is time to end Merkel's autocratic rule.

Let us stand up and fight! Now!

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