Is Ireland another victim of the IMF? (English)

In Europe the national financial institutions were told “everything will be fine, we will take care of you” well this is how it works; The IMF will bail your country out, all you have to do is allow a majority of your national bank to be taken away.


To make it easy to understand how I believe the world is going, I wanted to write a few words about the Irish economic bailout proposed by the IMF.

The same thing that happened in the USA is now happening in Europe; Laws are passed to ensure that financial institutions are able to lend and spend money as they see fit, in the USA it were the famous “non-doc” mortgages that broke the mortgage market and forced millions out of their homes. Once the Financial institutions begin to fail, and they always do, the IMF comes to the “rescue”.

In Europe the national financial institutions were told “everything will be fine, we will take care of you” well this is how it works; The IMF will bail your country out, all you have to do is allow a majority of your national bank to be taken away.

What does this equal to? It equals to one national bank after another loosing its independence and that all national banks, if this continues, will then have one company controlling the majority.

All of Europe’s financial institutions in one hand, sound familiar? It is the case in the USA as well; the bailout was one of the greatest transfers of wealth in the history of the world. The USA has no chance to make their own decisions anymore when it comes to financial institutions; we are now TRULY working for THE MAN.

Is Europe going to allow this to happen? I am curious who is next; Portugal, Spain maybe? Mark my words, this will happen to each and every European Country in the near future.

What are we going to do about it? Spread the word is about all we can do, let’s see if people begin to wake up!
It is up to the people to force positive change!


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